Hikam of ibn `Ata’illah al-Sakandari (Tajuddin)(R.A)
The Hikam focuses on issues of the cleaning the soul, known as ‘Tasawwuf’ or ‘Tazkiyah’ or ‘Ihsan’, i.e. purification or perfection.
It deals with the condition of the 'heart' and building a relationship (connection) with ALLAH and strive for perfection in our religion and our worship. Scholars and commentators have stated that these Hikam have been extracted from the Quran and Sunnah, Awliya' and Salihin to guide us through the processes in order to have a relationship with ALLAH and to purify our hearts to meet conditions and states which is acceptable to ALLAH.
The selected readings are extracted from the Hikam of ibn Ata'illah R.A. were delivered after Fajr salaah. It was aimed to limit the readings and explanations of to less than ten minutes each. Some Hikam were not discussed as the time constraint could not justify the objective of the Hikmah.. ...