The judge (Qadi) Abu Shuja Ahmad bin al-Husayn bin Ahimad al-lsfahani (RA), said:
"Some friends (RA), asked me to compile an extremely concise abridgement of the fiqh of Imam
ash-Shafi'i, (RA), in order to aid the student learning and to facilitate memorization by the beginner.
They have asked me to include therein many divisions and touch on many legal issues".
I have responded to this request, seeking divine reward and asking Allah the Exalted for success and correctness.
Indeed He is All-Powerful over what he wills. And He is very gentle to His servants and aware of them."
These lessons were presented by Sheikh Ebrahim Moos at his weekly Wednesday evening classes held at the Yusufeyyah Masjied.
It focusses, and explains the Matn al-Ghayah wa al-taqrib - better known as Matn Abu Shuja.
The average the lessons are approximately One Hour each. .. ...
This reading series is still In Progress as classes are ongoing.
You are welcome to attend the live reading.